Corporate Values of Phuket Provincial Education Office

Corporate Values of Phuket Provincial Education Office : S M A R T

S : Service  Mind

Meaning to be provide service to everyone who comes in contact willingly and have a heart to serve with goodwill There is coordination in the organization. Ready to serve for the satisfaction of service users.


M : Modern

Meaning to become an organization ready to adapt to the changing environment and the external world. Apply innovation and digital technology to support work and prepare for the digital transformation era.


A : Animation

Meaning The staff are always enthusiastic, satisfied with their work, and be valuable to the organization and work.


R : Responsibility

Meaning To have determination to perform the best work to achieve success in accordance with the intention of accepting the results of that action and try to improve the performance of duties even better.


 T : Transparency

Meaning To have transparent working systems and procedures, regulations, methods, criteria, and disclosure of correct and useful information in a language that is easy to understand, for service recipients, related agencies and people will have access to information easily and can verify the correctness of work.